Prof Rebecca Williams
Tutor in Law, Blackstone-Heuston Fellow, Professor of Law
Prof Rebecca Williams grew up in Manchester and pursued her undergraduate and BCL studies in law at Oxford before completing her PhD in Birmingham. Her first full-time academic position was at Robinson College in Cambridge, but she returned to Oxford, specifically Pembroke, in 2005 and has remained there since. She imparts knowledge on criminal law to first-year undergraduate students at Pembroke, typically in the first term of their first year, and teaches Administrative law to second-year undergraduates. Additionally, she co-administers one of the country’s first courses in Law and Computer Science for graduate students undertaking the BCL, MJur or MLF, or the 4th year or MSc in Computer Science. Prof Williams cherishes the fact that her research and teaching allow her to approach some of society’s most vital questions logically and employ her subject expertise in an interdisciplinary fashion to help solve problems.
Learn more about Rebecca here.